A Journey Through the Lens:
My Passion for Videography and Photography
From my earliest memories, the world as seen through a lens fascinated me. My passion for videography and photography began back in elementary school, sparked by my grandfather’s 1940 Revere 8mm camera. I’d pretend to film my friends as they played on the school playground, imagining I was directing epic movies that would put Hollywood to shame. If only my parents had provided me with the one essential ingredient – film- my cinematic masterpieces might have even won an Academy Award!
As I grew older, my passion expanded. I borrowed my mom’s point-and-shoot camera, capturing still-life images of roses from her prized flower garden. I even improvised a black background using weed block ground covering. When the film was developed, she found an entire roll filled with flower pictures! I wish I still had those photos to show how far I’ve come since those early experiments.
My teenage years marked the beginning of my journey into digital photography, thanks to my dad. Armed with one of the first Logitech digital cameras and some Photoshop knockoff software, I dove into endless creative projects. Some projects were met with disapproval and raised eyebrows – like the time I Photoshopped Princess Diana’s iconic hairstyle onto my step-mom’s head. Despite her initial disapproval, she had second thoughts and adopted the regal look.
My dad supported my passion by providing my first film and digital cameras. The digital SLR camera, initially a loaner, became an extension of my creative soul, capturing everything from fleeting moments to intentional compositions. I snapped countless pictures, wearing out the shutter button until my dad graciously let me keep it.
The allure of visual storytelling consumed me. In April 2007, I proudly graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Digital Media, specializing in film and television.
Inspired by my grandfather’s stories of his life in Nazi Germany, I founded Dallas Golden Creative Media, later renamed to Dallas Golden Photography. Initially the company focused on recording personal histories, but my business quickly expanded. Requests poured in for event photography, sports, wedding videos, live performances, instructional content, and heartwarming family portraits.
Today, as I continue my journey behind the lens, I am reminded of the magic that drew me in as a child. Videography and photography remain my lifelong companions, capturing moments, emotions, and stories that transcend time.